Reset Life – Personal coaching

Online & in person

Plan a FREE intake call by booking... Feeling stuck or unsure about your next steps in life? Struggling with limiting beliefs that hold you back from reaching your full potential? Menno van Bavel, the creator of the Reset Life Method, offers personalized coaching sessions tailored to help you break through these barriers.

In these 10 sessions, you'll learn practical techniques to overcome inner obstacles, improve your relationship with yourself and others, and live authentically. With Menno's guidance, you'll experience transformative change and step into a brighter future.

Don't let limiting beliefs hold you back any longer. Book your coaching sessions today and embark on a journey to personal growth and fulfillment!

Do you long to rediscover the joy and love that once filled your heart? Imagine being free from the weight of fear and self-doubt, and instead, stepping into a life filled with happiness and purpose.

With the Personal Coaching program, consisting of 10 personalized coaching sessions, you'll embark on a transformative path towards self-discovery and empowerment. Through a series of tailored exercises, we'll delve deep into the core of your being to uncover and release old patterns and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you.

By rewriting the narrative you've told yourself and the world, you'll reclaim your true essence and step into your fullest potential. Whether online or in person, we will guide you through breakthroughs and trauma processing, equipping you with practical tools to navigate life with ease and clarity.

Are you ready to break free from the chains of your past and embrace a future filled with love, joy, and unlimited possibilities?

Eric Brg
Eric Brg
The retreat was a profoundly transformative experience that left a lasting imprint on my soul. I m grateful for the opportunity to have participated in such a meaningful and enriching journey.
Pieterjan Van Maele
Pieterjan Van Maele
Twee jaar terug nam ik deel aan een 4-daagse retreat georganiseerd door Menno. Met wat twijfel en onzekerheid over wat me te wachten stond, arriveerde ik op een prachtige locatie, doordrenkt van rust te midden van de betoverende natuur. Bij aankomst werden we hartelijk ontvangen en naar onze kamers geleid. Ik voelde meteen: dit komt goed! Na enkele kennismakingsgesprekken en interactieve oefeningen verbaasde het me hoe snel een groep van een 10-tal mannen, die elkaar nog niet kenden, zo open, oprecht en eerlijk konden zijn over hun innerlijke strijd en angsten. Dit werd enkel mogelijk gemaakt door de perfecte en geruststellende sfeer die Menno en zijn team hadden gecreëerd. De vier dagen waren een afwisseling van ademhalingsoefeningen, momenten van reflectie, een ijsbad, een sportieve sessie... Kortom, even helemaal weg van alles en volledig loskoppelen. Dit was initieel mijn reden om deel te nemen aan de retreat, maar Menno en zijn team hebben me veel verder gebracht dan ik had durven hopen. Als je op zoek bent naar wat tijd voor jezelf (om welke reden dan ook) maar nog twijfelt om deel te nemen aan één van Menno's sessies, dan zeg ik: gewoon doen!
Siddarth Rupani
Siddarth Rupani
Wonderful retreats, deep connections and lot of Inner work! I surely recommend the retreats with Menno and Neil's!
Alexander Tnbrg
Alexander Tnbrg
Reset Life is a wonderful experience! If you are looking for a retreat that will provide the opportunity to dive deep and have a safe space to work on your inner disturbances, then you are at the right adress. This team creates an amazing atmosphere for you to focus on what is important, I had a wonderfull, life changing experiences. It can be confronting but that is exactly why you would to this, you are in very good hands with Reset Life Academy. They care deeply about all their participants. I highly recommend them 👌 AHO
Sebastiaan Dc
Sebastiaan Dc
Talk about life changing.. Its been over a year but i Can still recall the love and energy! It left an impact for sure and am trully forever gratefull! Transformation dus happen since this weekend.��
Akshara soundhealing, yoga en meditatie
Akshara soundhealing, yoga en meditatie
I had the opportunity to work a few times with Menno from Reset Live Academy. Each time the events were magical and transforming for the participants. It is wonderful to see how he creates a safe space for inner healing and true transformation!
Joshua Graat
Joshua Graat
I have experienced several of Menno retreats, each time it was life changing for me. The last time i participated as a facilitator as Menno knew i loved what he did and always wanted to be part of it some day. I brought my father and my nephew as participants this time and had a very special experience and connected on a different level with my family. i was able to experience a super nice collaboration with Menno, which allowed me to grow again on my own path. I have made great contacts from each retreat with whom I will continue to keep in touch and see again! Highly recommended for anyone who is looking for a nice, familiar retreat and needs a RESET. Menno knows what he is doing! Reset your life! thank you for the teachings my brother! and thank you for your trust ❤️
An Clijsters
An Clijsters
Menno's retreat is een echte aanrader! Het energieveld van vertrouwen dat neergezet wordt, maakt dat je kwetsbaar aanwezig mag zijn. De oefeningen raken je ziel, helen onbewuste blokkades en maken dat je echt verbinding maakt terug met je ware zelf. Het ademwerk is ongelooflijk diepgaand en transformerend; wat een kracht zit er in onze ademhaling 🙏!!! De oefeningen open je hart... telkens het zich weer even sluit,... de rustpauzes zijn waardevol en maken dat er tijd is voor mooie verbindingen met andere zielen van de groep. De inzichten zijn echt 'life changing': 🌟We can heal ourselves and each other 🌟We' re only responsible for ourselves and we really have to take good care of ourselves 🌟Grow; let's make it an everyday challenge! 🌟Lets do the healing work togheter on earth! Ademen is 'the key' om te transformeren 🙏❤️
Roland Visser
Roland Visser
In 2023 heb ik bijgedragen als facilitator op een evenement van de Reset Life Academy. Een setting van openheid, verbinding en heling is de kern van dit evenement. Ik zou iedereen die opzoek is naar verdieping in zichzelf aanraden om deel te nemen aan een van de events.
Neriah Saponaro
Neriah Saponaro
Zo dankbaar en trots dat ik dit heb mogen meemaken en ervaren! Zoveel mogen voelen zien.. Wauw! Wat een ervaring! Zeker een aanrader voor iedereen jong en oud. Wat een liefde warmte licht gezelligheid en wat een mooie lieve zielen heb ik ontmoet! 🫶🏼🤍 Dankjewel aan Menno, aan iedereen die deel uitmaakte van deze ervaring Love Neriah
10 tailored coaching sessions
Whatsapp contact between sessions
Challenges & Personal care
Inner child healing
Guided meditations
Tools to work with at home
Online & in person
What is the free intake call for?
Firstly, to get to know each other. To hear from you what occupies you and perhaps holds you back at this moment in your life. Then, we'll also look at how we can start taking steps in your life with a personalized approach!
Why 10 sessions?
We want to make sure that we can make changes, to achieve this we need about 10 sessions. Trauma, sadness, fear, pain, etc. are often stored in the body for a long time, to start the change, we need time together.
How can I book the free intake?
Simply click on the book now button for ''0.00 euros''. then we'll receive your free booking for an intake call and we'll contact you to schedule it!

Plan a FREE intake call by booking... Feeling stuck or unsure about your next steps in life? Struggling with limiting beliefs that hold you back from reaching your full potential? Menno van Bavel, the creator of the Reset Life Method, offers personalized coaching sessions tailored to help you break through these barriers.

In these 10 sessions, you'll learn practical techniques to overcome inner obstacles, improve your relationship with yourself and others, and live authentically. With Menno's guidance, you'll experience transformative change and step into a brighter future.

Don't let limiting beliefs hold you back any longer. Book your coaching sessions today and embark on a journey to personal growth and fulfillment!

Do you long to rediscover the joy and love that once filled your heart? Imagine being free from the weight of fear and self-doubt, and instead, stepping into a life filled with happiness and purpose.

With the Personal Coaching program, consisting of 10 personalized coaching sessions, you'll embark on a transformative path towards self-discovery and empowerment. Through a series of tailored exercises, we'll delve deep into the core of your being to uncover and release old patterns and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you.

By rewriting the narrative you've told yourself and the world, you'll reclaim your true essence and step into your fullest potential. Whether online or in person, we will guide you through breakthroughs and trauma processing, equipping you with practical tools to navigate life with ease and clarity.

Are you ready to break free from the chains of your past and embrace a future filled with love, joy, and unlimited possibilities?

What's Included
10 tailored coaching sessions
Whatsapp contact between sessions
Challenges & Personal care
Inner child healing
Guided meditations
Tools to work with at home
Eric Brg
Eric Brg
The retreat was a profoundly transformative experience that left a lasting imprint on my soul. I m grateful for the opportunity to have participated in such a meaningful and enriching journey.
Pieterjan Van Maele
Pieterjan Van Maele
Twee jaar terug nam ik deel aan een 4-daagse retreat georganiseerd door Menno. Met wat twijfel en onzekerheid over wat me te wachten stond, arriveerde ik op een prachtige locatie, doordrenkt van rust te midden van de betoverende natuur. Bij aankomst werden we hartelijk ontvangen en naar onze kamers geleid. Ik voelde meteen: dit komt goed! Na enkele kennismakingsgesprekken en interactieve oefeningen verbaasde het me hoe snel een groep van een 10-tal mannen, die elkaar nog niet kenden, zo open, oprecht en eerlijk konden zijn over hun innerlijke strijd en angsten. Dit werd enkel mogelijk gemaakt door de perfecte en geruststellende sfeer die Menno en zijn team hadden gecreëerd. De vier dagen waren een afwisseling van ademhalingsoefeningen, momenten van reflectie, een ijsbad, een sportieve sessie... Kortom, even helemaal weg van alles en volledig loskoppelen. Dit was initieel mijn reden om deel te nemen aan de retreat, maar Menno en zijn team hebben me veel verder gebracht dan ik had durven hopen. Als je op zoek bent naar wat tijd voor jezelf (om welke reden dan ook) maar nog twijfelt om deel te nemen aan één van Menno's sessies, dan zeg ik: gewoon doen!
Siddarth Rupani
Siddarth Rupani
Wonderful retreats, deep connections and lot of Inner work! I surely recommend the retreats with Menno and Neil's!
Alexander Tnbrg
Alexander Tnbrg
Reset Life is a wonderful experience! If you are looking for a retreat that will provide the opportunity to dive deep and have a safe space to work on your inner disturbances, then you are at the right adress. This team creates an amazing atmosphere for you to focus on what is important, I had a wonderfull, life changing experiences. It can be confronting but that is exactly why you would to this, you are in very good hands with Reset Life Academy. They care deeply about all their participants. I highly recommend them 👌 AHO
Sebastiaan Dc
Sebastiaan Dc
Talk about life changing.. Its been over a year but i Can still recall the love and energy! It left an impact for sure and am trully forever gratefull! Transformation dus happen since this weekend.��
Akshara soundhealing, yoga en meditatie
Akshara soundhealing, yoga en meditatie
I had the opportunity to work a few times with Menno from Reset Live Academy. Each time the events were magical and transforming for the participants. It is wonderful to see how he creates a safe space for inner healing and true transformation!
Joshua Graat
Joshua Graat
I have experienced several of Menno retreats, each time it was life changing for me. The last time i participated as a facilitator as Menno knew i loved what he did and always wanted to be part of it some day. I brought my father and my nephew as participants this time and had a very special experience and connected on a different level with my family. i was able to experience a super nice collaboration with Menno, which allowed me to grow again on my own path. I have made great contacts from each retreat with whom I will continue to keep in touch and see again! Highly recommended for anyone who is looking for a nice, familiar retreat and needs a RESET. Menno knows what he is doing! Reset your life! thank you for the teachings my brother! and thank you for your trust ❤️
An Clijsters
An Clijsters
Menno's retreat is een echte aanrader! Het energieveld van vertrouwen dat neergezet wordt, maakt dat je kwetsbaar aanwezig mag zijn. De oefeningen raken je ziel, helen onbewuste blokkades en maken dat je echt verbinding maakt terug met je ware zelf. Het ademwerk is ongelooflijk diepgaand en transformerend; wat een kracht zit er in onze ademhaling 🙏!!! De oefeningen open je hart... telkens het zich weer even sluit,... de rustpauzes zijn waardevol en maken dat er tijd is voor mooie verbindingen met andere zielen van de groep. De inzichten zijn echt 'life changing': 🌟We can heal ourselves and each other 🌟We' re only responsible for ourselves and we really have to take good care of ourselves 🌟Grow; let's make it an everyday challenge! 🌟Lets do the healing work togheter on earth! Ademen is 'the key' om te transformeren 🙏❤️
Roland Visser
Roland Visser
In 2023 heb ik bijgedragen als facilitator op een evenement van de Reset Life Academy. Een setting van openheid, verbinding en heling is de kern van dit evenement. Ik zou iedereen die opzoek is naar verdieping in zichzelf aanraden om deel te nemen aan een van de events.
Neriah Saponaro
Neriah Saponaro
Zo dankbaar en trots dat ik dit heb mogen meemaken en ervaren! Zoveel mogen voelen zien.. Wauw! Wat een ervaring! Zeker een aanrader voor iedereen jong en oud. Wat een liefde warmte licht gezelligheid en wat een mooie lieve zielen heb ik ontmoet! 🫶🏼🤍 Dankjewel aan Menno, aan iedereen die deel uitmaakte van deze ervaring Love Neriah
Online & in person
What is the free intake call for?
Firstly, to get to know each other. To hear from you what occupies you and perhaps holds you back at this moment in your life. Then, we'll also look at how we can start taking steps in your life with a personalized approach!
Why 10 sessions?
We want to make sure that we can make changes, to achieve this we need about 10 sessions. Trauma, sadness, fear, pain, etc. are often stored in the body for a long time, to start the change, we need time together.
How can I book the free intake?
Simply click on the book now button for ''0.00 euros''. then we'll receive your free booking for an intake call and we'll contact you to schedule it!


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